Deanston Mill
New Lanark – 1963
New Lanark – 1975
New Lanark – 1983
New Lanark Conservation 1988-2001
Stanley Mills, north of Perth, were among the first of the Scottish cotton mills founded and partnered by Richard Arkwright, inventor of the factory system. Bell Mill opened in 1787 and Eric’s first visit in 1973 captured some Holt winding machines still on an upper floor. A return visit with SIHS saw more of the machinery using polyster fibre in East and Mid Mills. The little gazebo, now missing, stands where a 1995-7 dig discovered large water wheel pits and a gasworks.
Historic Scotland acquired the mills in 1995. Two visits in 1997 show the mills before and after work started to strip out lean-to additions, lifts etc. SIHS provided volunteer guides that Doors Open Day, when the Society of Industrial Archaeology from North America was among the visitors. The last in situ cotton carding machines in Scotland, by Howard and Bullough, are still in position in the fireproof Mid Mill.