We divide stone bridges into different ages of masonry arched bridges, and four of the most eminent designers have their own collections: Alexander Stevens, John Smeaton, John Rennie and Thomas Telford
See also canals
13th-17th Century Bridges
18th Century Masonry Bridges
Two military road bridges: Aberfeldy by Wade and Dulsie at Ardclach, 1755, by Caulfield
Yair Bridge in Selkirkshire, 1762, and Ancrum Bridge still have big cutwaters. The 1770 bridge at Preston or Cumledge over the Whiteadder reduces the cutwaters to achieve a wider roadway.
Increasing architectural sophistication and shallower arches are deployed from the 1770s- Aray Bridge, Inverary, by Mylne, Dumbarton by Brown subsequently widened at carriageway level.
Designer and contractor of the Bridge over the Atlantic to Seil Island at Clachan Sound was John Stevenson of Oban in 1792.
See also Alexander Stevens and John Smeaton
19th Century Masonry Road Bridges
At Inchinnan an 1812 bridge crosses the White Cart then across an area of flood plain continuing the Doric columned theme, as far as the Black Cart and its bascule bridge (see moving bridges)
See also John Rennie and Thomas Telford